Frequently asked questions
Q: What if I want to refund an order?
If you're from Poland you can refund any order that hasn't been used within 14 days of the payment. Just contact me before so we can proceed with the process. This means that as long as you noticed something that wasn't said in the product description and wasn't used by you the refund will be granted.
If you're from a different country it's more difficult to land the refund however if you have a real issue within a week of receiving the order then be sure to contact me trough any of the socials and we'll work out the solution.
Q: What fee's are applied to custom order's placed trough Kaido?
At first you have the item price and the domestic shipping price (unless it's free shipping). Then you have the shipping to Poland which is calculated on case-to-case basis as every item has a different size and weight (I'll let you know about the shipping costs). Next there's duty that has to be paid on every item which I fully take care of. Penultimate you have the shipping from my house to you (Poland 12 PLN<, Anywhere else 40 PLN<).
Q: When will my order be shipped?
I'll ship out your order within two days of the checkout. Unless there's an instance where it'll take longer I'll contact you trough email or socials provided.
Q: What's the shipping time for custom orders from Japan?
When talking about shipping from Japan I use two shipping services: FedEx & Surface (ferry, different than container)
When choosing FedEx your order should be at your door within 2-3 weeks.
When choosing Surface your order should be at your door within 1-3 months. It's usually on the longer end though.
In both cases I'll keep on updating you about your shipment status trough your preferred socials.
I do not provide the shipment tracking number from Japan for custom orders!